Sunday, June 8, 2008

Explain this to me please.

I was listening to BBC on the radio yesterday and the topic of discussion was the conclusion of the democratic primary. They reviewed the entire ordeal from the beginning to Hilary's final concession. Strategies were analyzed, the mistakes, the strengths. All in all the coverage was pretty impressive.

Until the end when the announcer concluded that America has shown that it isn't ready for a female president. Is that it? America is just to sexist for Hilary Clinton? Is that the problem, bigotry?

How about this? Maybe, just maybe Hilary Clinton lost because of Hilary Clinton? Perhaps her husbands baggage was too much, or that many voters thought she was insincere, or that she pushed for socialized medicine and then pulled a 180 when the insurance companies threw enough money at her.

Was their some sexism, sure some men probably didn't vote for her because she was a woman. Of course that number would be nothing compared to millions of older women who voted for based primarily on gender. I love double standards.

I'm not an expert on the political sciences, but I honestly think that Hilary's loss can be attributed in large part to the content of her character. That and when most people look at her they see an asshole boss from a job that quit years ago, but still recall with intense hatred.

I didn't vote for Hilary, independent voters aren't allowed to vote in NY primaries. I guess I'll vote for Obama in November, I wouldn't want the world to think I was too racist for an African American president.

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