Thursday, July 24, 2008

A message to the members ofthe Media traveling with Sen. Obama

Stop it!

The general public might not be able to see what you are doing, if they even care anymore, but I do. Your trying to create a legend which wouldn't be so bad if you weren't doing so for selfish reasons.

You're following Obama around like a bunch of love struck groupies. You want him to win and you're doing a horrible job hiding it.

Why might you ask? Look at the big picture. If McCain wins what happens, or rather what doesn't. First of it won't be historic and therefore not as interesting. Second regardless of how long John claims he'll live it won't be that long in legacy terms. He possibly might not even run for a second terms, strike three.

Senator Obama has it all. He's a first a trail blazer, schools all over the country are going to be buying new letters for their renaming ceremonies the day after he wins the election. He's young so his media darlings can milk him for decades. Finally he seems like an all or nothing leaders, he's either going to lead America to greatness or into the abyss. Great material for articles and books.

That's all the whores I mean members of the media seem to care about. They want to have interesting stories to tell at parties and be there on the ground floor to write countless books about how they were there with Obama in the struggle making history.

It is selfish and it's sicking.