Friday, November 9, 2007

Where he at, where he at.....

It's not peanut butter jelly time yet, but I hope I'm getting there.

About two months ago I completed a screenplay that I felt was ready to be seen. I promised myself I would never contribute to the massive wave of rushed, underdeveloped, unprofessional screenplay that drown Hollywood on a weekly basis. I'm not saying that I am the greatest, but 60 page, typo filled scripts with glossy covers are no good for anyone.

I completed my script and sent it out to five friends. Three of them were just proofreaders, the other two were people who worked in the film industry in some capacity. Energized by positive feedback I felt confident enough to make my move.

Unfortunately my mother is a nurse and my father is a nuclear engineer. Failures! Since I am not a descendant of Hollywood royalty I have to do what 99 percent of us would. I contacted my mother's coworker's brother who knows a guy at a studio, the ex-finance of one of my coworkers who is a big wig at another studio, a guy I kinda knew from college who writes direct to video horror films, my father's second cousin(I think by marriage who I have never met) who is a producer at a television network for kids, and the son of an ex-coworker's good friend. These are not exaggeration, these are real people.

So calls were made, favors were called in, and script were mailed out. Some of these people choose to act as gate keepers; asking to read my stuff before they passed it on. I felt pumped up when they liked my script and agreed to help.

Four-six weeks later...... nothing. I have to be honest, it bothers me. I realize that I am at the bottom of a very big pile. I understand that my script might not have even been read yet. I get it, but it still bothers me.

Here's to hope.

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